Vision: The Smart Grid pilot site of the nation, as well as of the region (ASEAN), for Research, Development & Demonstration through knowledge and technology integration, where the key elements of success are increased competency of human resources and strategic collaboration among all concerned parties.
Key Motivation: Rather isolated area surrounded by dense forestry under natural conservation protection; long winding road with distance more than 160 km under risk of wildfire, mud slide, etc.; poorest electricity reliability; sufficient RE potential to serve the area
Proposed Concept: Towards net zero energy & net zero emission
Supply Side
– Accommodate high penetration of RE (mini-hydro and solar)
– GHG emission reduction
Operation Side
– Improved reliability and power quality (voltage regulation) with fast fault isolation and system restoration
– Self-sustainable microgrid during disaster (mudslide, wildfire)
Demand Side
– Pilot DSM/DR with smart metering at government buildings
Link: (Mae Hong Son Smart Grid – Remote Monitoring)